Click the padlock to save the changes. Eject the drive if you're ready to remove the USB Drive and install On the machine you wish to install on, you can hold down the Option (ALT) key to select the boot drive, select your installer. If you can't see it, reset the PRAM and try again. It initially replaced the PowerBook G4 line and some later models supplanted 'non-Pro' MacBook models, too. It currently packs Apple Silicon processors. Although there are many differences between models, the MacBook Pro series can be divided into five basic groups - pre-Unibody, Unibody, Retina, Touch Bar, and Apple Silicon. Macbook pro boot from usb command. Press and hold the option key immediately after you see the apple logo. Press and hold the option key immediately after you see the apple logo. A fully encrypted computer with anonymous browsing ready to use.
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Note: this is a raw text, written quickly. It needs a lot of updates.
This is a short description, how to install Plop Linux and a dual boot with Mac OSX on the MacBook Pro. Default boot is Plop Linux. I describe only what I needed for myself.
MacBook Pro 13' Unibody (Mid 2012) Hard Drive Cable. The hard drive retainer bracket may need to be modified on some models. And will try to replace, but i feel as if it should still boot from the usb and then give me trouble when I actually try to instal the OS onto the HDD if it were in fact a faulty HDD cable. By Taylor Struna. As the title suggests, I'm was wondering if I can just boot from the USB instead of deleting the OS from my laptop? There was some post.
Booting Plop Linux from USB works out of the box since Plop Linux 4.3.5. WiFi does not work with the standard release. As the WiFi driver is not open source, you have to add it by yourself. See below how to compile it.
When I have time, I will add screenshots and more. But now, its just to have it documented.
Some eye candy
Install process
Backup your data!
Connect an USB thumb drive with Plop Linux Live 21.1. Also put the desktop tar.gz, the kernel source code, the WiFi driver and the patches onto the USB drive.
WiFi Driver (Debian repository): broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271.orig.tar.xz
WiFi Driver Patches (Arch Linux repository): broadcom-wl-dkms-
Restart the MacBook Pro and keep the 'alt' key pressed, to open the boot menu.
Choose the USB drive.
Plop Linux boots....
Start Xfce with 'startx'.
Start 'GParted'.
Shrink the Mac OSX partition (sda2). I shrinked it to 100 GB.
Create a new partition, formatted with ext3. This became the Plop Linux partition.
Mount the new partition. I suggest to run the command 'automount', which also mounts another file system that is required later.
Go to '/mnt/sda4' and extract the Plop Linux desktop archive from the USB drive to the disk drive as known from the usual desktop installation.
Now there are two options.
Option 1: Use Grub2 as boot manager to start Linux.
Option 2: Create a custom kernel to start Linux.
In the first stage you should use Grub2 as loader and then you can create a custom kernel to boot without Grub2.
Copy from the USB thumb drive the directories 'efi' and 'syslinux' to '/mnt/sda1/'
Note: To create a fresh bootx64.efi run 'grub-mkstandalone -O x86_64-efi -o bootx64.efi'.
Edit the file '/mnt/sda1/efi/grub/grub.cfg' and add the following lines to boot Plop Linux.
Now reboot and keep the 'alt' key pressed to open the boot menu.
Choose the hard disk with the name 'EFI boot'.
Now you should see the Grub2 menu. Choose 'Plop Linux Desktop' to boot Plop Linux.
First steps are done. Next is setup the F keys, boot without Grub2, set default boot the Plop Linux, get WiFi working, setup keyboard light.
fn, F1-F12 keys
The multimedia buttons are not working out of the box. Personally, I don't need those keys. I prefer to have the keys F1-F12 without the need to press fn.
To switch the function key behaviour, change the value in the file '/sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode'. Valid values are 0, 1 ,2. To set F1-F12 as default mode, set the value 2. To set this during booting, add the following line to '/etc/rc.local'.
Just a note about some missing keys on the keyboard:
DEL: fn backspace
INS: fn enter
POS1: fn cursor left
END: fn cursor right
Page up: fn cursor up
Page down: fn cursor down
See also how-to-swap-the-fn-use-of-function-keys-on-an-apple-keyboard-in-linux
Macbook Pro Boot From Usb
Boot without Grub2
You have to recompile the kernel to boot without Grub or anoter Linux loader.
Grab the kernel file from your USB drive and extract it. Change into the kernel source code directory and get the kernel config file.
Start the configuration program with 'make menuconfig'. Go to 'Processor type and features'. Move down to 'Built-in kernel command line'. Set the value
Choose 'Exit' two times and save the new configuration.
Build the new kernel and modules with 'make && make modules_install'.
Mount the partition /dev/sda1 and copy the kernel file 'arch/x86/boot/bzImage' to the mounted sda1 partition into the directory '/efi/boot'.
The file 'bootx64.efi' is the Grub2 boot manager. Rename 'bzImage' to 'bootx64.efi' to overwrite Grub2.
We have to add the file information to the EFI boot loader to setup the default boot.
efibootmgr command: efibootmgr -c -d /dev/sda -p 1 -L 'Plop Linux' -l 'efibootbootx64.efi'
-c: Create a new entry
-d: Device with the boot file
-p: Partition number
-L: Label
-l: File with the full path. You have to use the backslash here!
Macbook Pro Boot From Usb Installer
The new entry will be automatically the default boot. See EFI - General remarks, Kernel, efibootmgr, Grub2 for more efibootmgr commands.
fstab and /boot
Replace the second line of '/etc/fstab' with
If you did not recompile the kernel, then you have to do this now. See 'Boot without Grub2'. Setup the built-in kernel command line and the other things later don't have to be done.
Extract the WiFi Driver broadcom-sta_6.30.223.271.orig.tar.xz and the patches broadcom-wl-dkms-
Copy the patches from 'usr/src/broadcom-wl-' to 'broadcom-sta-'.
Execute all patches in 'broadcom-sta-'.
for i in *.patch; do patch -p1 < $i; done
Add at the top of the file 'broadcom-sta-' the line '#define get_ds() (KERNEL_DS)'.
Change to 'broadcom-sta-'.
Compile and install the driver with 'make && make install && depmod -a'.
Add the following lines to the file '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf' to avoid driver loading conflicts.
Create the WiFi configuration with your settings 'wpa_passphrase MYNETSSID MYPASS > /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf'.
Add the following lines to the file '/etc/rc.local' before the 'exit' command to autostart WiFi.
Reboot. WiFi should work now.
You need additional kernel modules. These will be added as default in further releases.
Start the kernel configure tool and add and recompile with 'make -j 4 && make modules_install'. Then copy the new 'arch/x86/boot/bzImage' to '/boot/EFI/boot/boot64.efi'. Reboot.
Now you need the webcam driver. The webcam should work now.
Add the following line to the file '/etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf' to avoid driver loading conflicts.
Add to your '/etc/rc.local' this line to load the webcam drivers during boot.
Sound and microphone
Set the second sound card as default card.
Create the file '/etc/asound.conf' with the content
Add the Battery Monitor to the panel in Xfce. It works out of the box.
Display brightness
You can change the display brightness with the script 'bl-brightness'. You find the script in '/usr/share/macbook'. You can copy the file to '/usr/bin' to have it in your path.
Usage: bl-brightness
Keyboard light
You can change the keyboard light with my script 'kbd-light'. You find the script in '/usr/share/macbook'. You can copy the file to '/usr/bin' to have it in your path.
The percent value goes from 0 to 100.
Power on sound
Disabling the awful power on sound (chime) did not work with the nvram command, as descibed in the web.
Finally, I booted Mac OSX and turned off the volume with the F10 key. Then there was silence :)
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Click here for a full how to:
Installation instructions for a Mac with a Optical drive already in use or installed
1. open a terminal
2. type (on a single line)
sudo pico /Library/Preferences/SystemConfiguration/
3. Insert mbasd=1 in the String
4. Save (press Ctrl-X, answer yes to save by pressing Y, press enter to confirm the file name).
5. Restart your machine. That's it! $75.00
Видео Apple USB Superdrive (Installation on Macbook Pro) канала Tech Runner Wesley